Learn about beer while drinking beer!
Join us for our first ever Beer Education Night. For March, we are focusing on German Pilsners and will be featuring tastings of our two German Pilsners, Adelais and Gretel. Learn about the brewing process from Idle Hands Founder & President Chris Tkach as he leads you on a tour of the brewery and guides a tasting of the two pilsners. Learn about the history of the style, the history of the brewery and the process we go through to produce each beer. This is a rare chance to go behind the scenes at Idle Hands. The tasting will take place in the back of the brewery.
Each session includes a guided tour, two 8oz pours of beer and a question and answer session.
Tickets > shop.idlehandscraftales.com
Please wear close-toed shoes for this event as we will be taking you on a tour of the brewery. You must be 21+ to attend this event.